Analysis of Anxiety Levels in Online Learning in School-Age Children During the Pandemic in Elementary Schools


  • Lily Fornite Louis
  • Putri indah lestari



Online Learning Adaptation, Anxiety


As an effort to prevent the spread of the corona virus or Covid-19, implementing health protocols is mandatory, according to WHO recommendations. In order to fulfill students' rights to obtain educational services during the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) emergency through the implementation of learning from home during the emergency spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) is carried out while still paying attention to the health protocol for handling Covid-19. Previously, elementary school-age children were used to being at school to interact directly with their teachers and friends, be it during the learning process, playing or even joking around. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has made elementary school students need an adaptation process in dealing with new changes which will directly affect their absorption of learning compared to other adults, especially in the learning system.




How to Cite

Lily Fornite Louis, & Putri indah lestari. (2024). Analysis of Anxiety Levels in Online Learning in School-Age Children During the Pandemic in Elementary Schools. International Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1(1), 01–11.